UN-Guidelines for alternative care

UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children

Leitlinien für alternative Formen der Betreuung von Kindern

Lignes directrices relatives à la protection de remplacement pour les enfants

A resolution ‘welcoming‘ the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children was adopted by UN General Assembly (UNGA) on 20 November 2009, a memorable day when the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child celebrated its 20th anniversary.

The Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children are intended to enhance the implementation of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child 1989, and other relevant provisions of international and regional human rights law, in matters of protection and well-being of children who are in need of alternative care, or who are at risk of so being. It therefore focuses on two main aspects:

  1. Ensure that children do not find themselves placed in alternative care unnecessarily; and
  2. that, where out-of-home care is provided, it is provided in appropriate conditions and of a type that responds to the child’s rights, needs and best interests.

On 7 March 2013 a new tool to support the implementation of the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children called ‚Moving Forward: Implementing the ‚Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children‘ was launched. The handbook have been developed by CELSIS under an initiative of the Working Group on Children without Parental Care of the NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child in association with ISS, SOS Children’s Villages International, Family for Every Child, ATD Fourth World, Better Care Network, RELAF, and UNICEF.



German UN Guidlines 2010 Deutsch.pdf

Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children – 2010 French.pdf

Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children 2010 – English.pdf

CELCIS Handbook Moving-Forward-implementing-the-guidelines-for-web1.pdf

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