General information about the FICE international organization

FICE International

International Federation of Educative Communities
Internationale Gesellschaft für erzieherische Hilfen
Fédération Internationale des Communautés Educatives


FICE’s main aim is to promote child and youth care throughout the world

What do the initials FICE stand for?

The initials FICE are usually pronounced fee-say. FICE stands for the Fédération Internationale des Communautés Educatives – the French version of its name. The literal English meaning is the International Federation of Educative Communities, but that does not really describe what FICE does.

What does FICE do?

It is concerned about high standards of services for children and young people, especially those who have to live away from their own homes. Its activities include some which involve children, but mostly it supports the people who work with them.It runs conferences, produces publications, runs the Professional Experience Programme and a lot of other projects. In general, FICE-International offers its members the chance to network, to learn about new ideas from other countries and other people’s ways of doing things, and to make friends in other countries who are in the same line of work.

Is FICE only concerned about children and young people?

Children and youth are FICE’s main concern. However, some of the National Members of FICE have individual or organisational members who work with other client groups. A lot of important issues in work with children are also of concern for other groups. However, for the present, FICE has decided to stay focused on children and young people, so that it does not lose its special focus and knowledge.

FICE’s main aim is to promote child and youth care throughout the world.


· recognises the individuality of children, young people and their parents, and does not seek to force them to conform with pre-determined norms.
· supports the family as the basic social structure for the upbringing of children.
· advocates the highest quality of care and education for children and young people unable to live at home.
· seeks to find individual solutions to match the needs of each child or young person.
· encourages the ongoing development of services for children through research and theoretical innovation.
· bases its work on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
· observes strict political and religious neutrality.
· values diversity and rejects all forms of discrimination on the basis of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political opinion or social origin.

In order to achieve its aims, FICE-International :

· works through national organisations whose members are engaged in providing services for children and young people, or work in support services such as staff training or the management of services.
· supports national member organisations through the creation of networks of contacts.
· organises major international Congresses, usually every two years.
· supports projects which involve international contacts between children, young people and those who care for them, such as the Balkan Friendship Camps.
· encourages international exchanges of workers and/or children and young people.
· provides the Professional Exchange Programme for experienced workers.
· organises international seminars, expert workshops and working parties on issues concerned with services for children and young people.
· consults with UNESCO, the European Union, the Council of Europe, ECOSOC and other international bodies.
· provides information and the opportunity for networking through its website.
· disseminates new ideas and research findings through its publications.

The organisations which are FICE’s National Members

· bring together various professions concerned with the welfare and education of children and young people regardless of status and other interests. · examine and analyse problems and other issues concerning children and young people.
· develop new initiatives to meet the needs of children and young people.
· educate the public and those in positions of power and influence in the country about the needs of children and young people.
· support individual and organisational members, encouraging them to set high standards of practice.
· encourage the creation of supportive networks of members.
· organise seminars, conferences, educational trips and professional training.
· assist other FICE National Members (and others) at times of crisis and natural disasters.
· publish books, journals, magazines and other materials.
· are open to individuals and / or organisations (including agencies providing services, colleges offering professional training. local authorities and other associations) concerned about the welfare and social education of children and young people to join.

To get more information, please visit

You can find more information about the history and past activities about the FICE on the archive-webpages of David Lane:

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