In 2004 there were over 143 million orphaned and abandoned children, in 93 developing countries, worldwide. This is 8.4 % off all children in the world. (unicef)

In 2003 alone, more then 16 million children were orphaned. (unicef)

Numbers of orphans will increase dramatically by 2010/2015, at an estimated growth of 15 to 20 million per year. (international advocates for children)

By 2015, children and youth will account for 45% of the population in developing countries. (worldbank)

In Africa, there are 60 million orphaned and vulnerable children (HIV/Aids, conflict, disability, street children). (worldbank)

India estimated 35 million orphans in 2003 (unicef)

In 2003 over 800,000 children became newly orphaned in Nigeria alone (unicef)

In 2003 an estimated 12.3 % of all children in sub-Saharan Africa were orphans (unicef)

For every 3 months in an orphanage a child loses one months of grow (dr. charles nelson)

Girls in orphanages reach their puberty 2 years later then girls in families (dr. charles nelson)

In Tanzania school attendance for orphans is only 52 %. (unicef)

An estimated 1.2 million children, mostly orphans, are trafficked every year. (international advocates for children)

Some 300,000 children are currently involved in diverse fighting forces. (worldbank)

At the end of 2004, roughly 48 % of all refugees worldwide were children. (unicef)

Over 246 million children are engaged in child labour (sos kinderdorf)

Institutional care in Africa is 6 to 14 times more expensive than foster care (unaids)

Some 50 million births go unregistered every year, about 40% of all estimated births worldwide. (unicef)

28.08.2006 FICE CONGRESS 2006

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