European Conference for Social Work Research – Basel 23/24.3.2012

2nd European Conference for Social Work Research: Social work research in local, national and international contexts: the challenges of comparison and generalisation 22nd ‐ 24th March, 2012, University of Basel, Switzerland. CALL
Proposals are invited for papers contributing to the European Conference for Social Work Research, taking place at the University of Basel, Switzerland, on 22nd ‐ 24th March, 2012.
The second of a major annual series, the conference will bring together researchers and research users from across Europe to present and exchange research ideas, findings, developments and applications. The 2012 conference is organised by the Swiss Society of Social Work and co‐hosted by the University of Basel and the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland.
The 2nd European Conference for Social Work Research provides an ideal opportunity for researchers to discuss their research, explore the research of others and forge new contacts.

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