Children – victims of poverty. Int. symposium in Bucarest (RO) 8.10.2011


FICE-Romania, primarily focused on children’s rights, found, especially in recent years, a deterioration of economic status of the population, which has influenced and continues to negatively influence child development in the Romanian society, both in urban as in rural areas.

Through numerous studies, analyses and research carried out in partnership with local communities, NGOs involved in this field, schools, universities, directorates of child’s welfare, healthcare institutions, research institutes etc., FICE Romania reached the conclusion of the necessity of an approach on the phenomenon of poverty and its impact on younger generation in an International Symposium called ”Children-victims of poverty”. This event will be held on the 8th of October 2011, in Bucharest, in cooperation with the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, and other prestigious institutions.

We believe that by facilitating communication between Romanian and foreign specialists through this seminar, they will deepen major issues for both current and for future communities in Romania.

The Symposium will be structured in a plenary session and three workshops with the following themes:

  • Context, causes, aggravating factors and effects of poverty – theoretical and methodological approaches;
  • School and family abandonment – a direct consequence of people poverty;
  • Projects, programmes and concrete ways of intervention for the reduction of the impact of poverty on youg generation.

The papers of the Symposium will be preceeded by a documentary study consisting in visiting some child protection institutions from various places in the country and meetings with local government representatives. The proposed route, as one of the variants for this documentary visit, will be: Bucharest- Pitesti- Curtea de Arges- Campulung Muscel.

The symposium addresses representatives of institutions with responsibilities in the field, social workers, teachers, sociologists, psychologists, physicians, religious representatives, politicians, decision makers, etc., both from Romania and from abroad. The invitation will address social actors from countries such as: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Israel, Italy, Moldavia, Netherlands, Serbia, Spain, USA, Hungary, etc.

The confirmation of the participation in the Symposium will be made until July 15th 2011, accompanied by the title of the presentation, an abstract in English and 3-5 key words, full name, address, telephone and e-mail address of the participant. Additional information on the communication will be sent directly to those who will register.

Participation fee:

a) 100 EURO, that will include:

-presentation folders, coffee breaks and lunch during the symposium;

– editing of the volume of papers presented at the seminar;

– documentary visit + lunch.

b) 50 EURO, without participation in the documentary visit.

c) 15 EURO, for people who cannot participate in the Symposium and instead wish to register with a paper; the presentation will be included in the programme and published in the volume of the seminar.

For those who also wish ACCOMODATION we will send a special file.



+40 722464638, e-mail: fice_ro(a)


+40 728087836, e-mail: roxanaurea(a)

Sincerely yours,

President of FICE Romania, Prof. Toma MARES

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